
In late March of this year China entered the strictest lockdown in the past two years due to the rising Covid-19 outbreak. 不幸的是,我们对全球连锁反应并不陌生, 在美国的全球十大网赌正规平台.S. saw the writing on the wall and have since been dealing with yet another bout of supply chain issues, 主要是由于十大彩票平台延误和资源短缺导致货运不足. 在我们进入下半年的时候, those in the transportation and shipping industry are beginning to become optimistic.


Earlier this year reports of an uptick in Covid cases started coming out of Shanghai, which led into the harshest lockdown that China has implemented since the beginning of Covid. 中国的“zero-COVID” strategy calls for shutdowns for non-essential businesses and residents to stay inside their homes with no contact with the outside world. The severity of the lockdowns vary with each lockdown China has had since the beginning but there is no getting around that this would impact everyone worldwide.

鉴于中国经济增长已经放缓, 这些极端措施被视为加剧了影响就业的困难, 消费, 甚至是全球供应链.”

This continues to slow down trucking to the point of carriers not having enough freight to move, 导致利润减少, which in turn hurts the smaller carriers that cannot afford to keep operating forcing them to lay off workers in some cases.


This slow down, pick-up, no freight to surplus of freight has become an almost norm. Due to shutdowns and shortages overseas, this has created a pattern that has a delayed effect. 虽然停摆将于6月结束,但物流需要时间才能赶上. 近30% 空集装箱的数量.S. relies on comes from China and if you are connected to the intermodal world there is no doubt you or your company have directly been affected this year.

“China’s ‘zero Covid’ measures on trucking and cross-city transport limitations continue to slow down manufacturing and logistics. The decrease in completed manufactured goods is reflected in the decrease in exports leaving Shanghai bound for the United States”

因为我们将会有多余的延迟货运过来, 全球十大网赌正规平台会争抢, 比他们已经有的还要多, 找到司机和员工来满足需求. 什么曾经是正常的, seasonal uptick in the spring months will become an upswing in the summer months resulting from bottle necks in the Asia-pacific area breaking open. 不幸的是, as we have seen in the past this will also create a separate bottle neck issue at the ports, 尤其是在西海岸. 这将引起多米诺骨牌效应,在美国这里将更直接地感受到.S. ——如果我们还没有感觉到的话. 我们可以 预计 to feel the affects of this particular shut down till the end of the year at minimum.


没有人能控制下一次的爆发, 下一个短缺, the next break in supply chain or even the inflation that continues to batter into the economy. 面对如此动荡的市场和波动的预测, 如果有什么结果的话, it is the need for the shipping and logistics world to become adaptable and find ways to improve procedures, 人员配置实践和操作,以缓解未来不可预测的话语. 我们可以 assume that things will even out and one day we will be back to some level of normalcy, 但历史证明, 我们不能总是指望事情会回到原来的样子.

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